Monday, December 28, 2009

Chinese Food...Healthier

It's almost a new year and time to replace healthier foods for the cookies, candies and calorie laden food of the holidays. I'll miss you my sugary friends, but my jeans would like to fit the way they are supposed to.
I love me some good ol' chinese/asian food, but it isn't always the healthiest of foods out there. Some dishes look healthy (with all those veggies,) but when one looks at how they are prepared, it's a different story.
Take for instance the classic, Chicken Chow Mein. I've done a little research and it turns out a typical dish of Chicken Chow Mein comes in around 700 calories, 820 if you add the crispy noodles that come on the side...and who doesn't add those crunchy little guys? And not to mention add 50+ grams of fat to that dish! Kung Pao Chicken comes in at a whopping 1400 calories... and House Fried Rice, you guessed it, even worse at 1500 calories! There are lower calorie versions out there, but typically the portions are quite little. P.F Changs version of Chicken Chow Mein is 267 per serving, BUT one dish is over 800 calories and who really eats just one serving?
Alright, on to the good part. Thanks to Hungry awesome gal who comes up with lower calorie versions of real people's favorite foods, great tips and awesome suggestions...there is a much healthier and absolutely delicious version of Lo Mein. Trust me, I'm eating some right now. Check her site out at
I've switched her original recipe up just a little, here it is...

Low Mein Healthy Style...

Mix together and set aside:
1/4 cup low sodium soy suace
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 tsp. chicken bouillon
1/2 cup hot water

In another bowl, drain and rinse 1 entire package of Shirataki Angel Hair Noodles. Pat very dry with paper towels. (I find them at Safeway near the tofu and veggies.) Microwave them for one minute and pat dry again. I like mine cut into smaller pieces; scissors work well. Set aside.

In a medium to high heat in a large pan or wok, cook the following until hot (5-7 minutes):
1/4 cup sliced green onions
3/4 cup mushrooms
1/4 broccoli
1 entire package bean sprouts (in water)
1 large package of frozen stir fry vegetables
After veggies are hot, add sauce and cook another 2-4 minutes, until sauce is thickened and veggies are hot. Then add the Shirataki noodles, mix and heat through. Serve hot.

Nutritional information: for 1/2 the recipe which is a HUGE serving! Really huge...
Calories: 152 calories
Fat: 1.25 fat grams
Sugars: 5 grams
Carbs: 27.5 (mostly fibrous carbs)
Protein: 5 grams

Now to make this a real meal deal, add 8 ounces of uncooked chicken breast a few minutes before the veggies. Make sure the chicken is cooked through. Continue on with the rest of the steps.
There are 2 servings...per serving (4 ounces), add 110 calories, 2.5 grams fat, and 23 grams of protein.

Here's to healthier Chinese food and better fitting jeans!

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