Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lovin' My Pumpkin

I am often asked what are some of my favorite go-to snacks. Well, as I was stirring up one of my very favorite's just a few minutes ago, I thought I would tell ya'll about it...and why it's star ingredient-pumpkin-is so very good for you.
Pumpkin has many benefits, one being it is full of Vitamin A. And why is Vitamin A good for you? Well, Vitamin A helps your eyes to adjust to light changes, it also helps keep your skin, eyes and mucous membranes moist. It also has been said to play a part in fighting off cancer. Pumpkin is also high in carotenoids which are excellent at neutralizing free radicals. Pumpkin also contains many common nutrients like iron, zinc and fiber. It's an amazing and delicious food I enjoy year round.
One quick way to enjoy pumpkin is to mix it with Trader Joe's 0% Greek Yogurt which contain a good dose of protein at 22 grams a cup! The yogurt and pumpkin combined with the rest of the ingredients listed is a yummy and nutritious snack or even dessert!

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 0% greek yogurt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
a little no calorie sweetener (optional)
Mix it up. Heat it up. Yum.



  1. I love pumpkin and I love TJ's greek yogurt. I'm gonna have to give this treat a try. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Absolutely Ams! Let me know what you think! =)

  3. Oh my goodness, this looks yummmy. I want to plant some pumpkins next year so I'm looking for ways to use the pumpkin chunks I'll be canning. Thanks for posting it.

  4. No problem, Amy! There are so many wonderful ways to use pumpkin! Good luck with planting them. They are pretty easy to grow and the uses are endless! =)
