Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Better Egg Micky D's Muffin...

I have never gone to a drive-thru for breakfast. Never. The thought of greasy food in the morning is enough to make me barf up whatever I ate the night before. But I know several people like the idea of grabbing something drive-thru quick to scarf down before work or school. So in effort to replace a popular "food" product from the almighty Golden Arches, I created a replacement Egg McMuffin you can make at home. You'll need a handy-dandy contraption I recently found at good ol' Freddy''s a egg-cooker-thing-a-ma-jig you can use to cook eggs in the microwave. It cooks eggs in this nice little circle formation that fits oh so perfectly in between two slices of toasty english muffins. This little must-have contraption is super cheap...I think about $4-5 and you can use it over and over again.

1 Double Fiber English Muffin
3/4 cup Liquid Egg Whites
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/8 tsp. pepper (optional)
6-7 spinach leaves
sprinkle of feta cheese (optional, but quite delish)

Toast muffins. Cook egg whites in Microwave in special contraption for 1 minute. Stir. Stir in salt and pepper or whatever creative spices you may desire. Cook for one more minute or until eggs are set. Make sandwich...put eggs on top of muffin, top with spinach and feta. Replace top of muffin and wrap tightly in foil so you can take it with you.
If you're really interested in this contraption I talked about, let me know and I'll look up the official name of's pretty cool...we've used it almost daily for about 3 weeks!

Golden Arches Muffin with Egg...300 calories, Mine...243 calories and much more satisfying!

You can get creative with this muffin combo. I like to use pizza sauce and a couple slices of turkey pepperoni for a pizza-like twist. Or greek it up with some sliced olives, roasted red pepper and feta. Or Mexi it up with some taco seasoning, shredded lettuce and fresh salsa. Or....?? You get the idea...Yummy!

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